Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Unusual sports

Underwater Hockey

In some places, underwater hockey (also known by it's cool name 'Octopush') is a relatively popular version of hockey. In this sport, two teams of six push a puck along the bottom of a swimming pool. The sticks are about 30 cm long and the puck is heavier than usual (about 1.3 kg) so that it stays at the bottom. Players wear snorkels and have to come up for air every now and then.

Swamp Football

Swamp football is an un usual form of the game of football (Soccer), which is played in bogs or swamps. Players compete on a wet bog, though for the major tournaments the pitch is simply a dry muddy field which is covered in water, rather than a naturally occurring swamp. The dimensions of the pitch are roughly 60m long and 35 meters wide.

The sport originated in Finland, where apparently it was used as an exercise activity for athletes and soldiers, as playing on soft bog is very physically demanding.

Cow Racing

It seems like anything that you can sit on you can ride and race. In Mt Compass in South Australia, they hold cow races every second Sunday in February. The cows are ridden by a jockey. Obviously it is hard to stay on board, as each jockey also needs an assistant, which they call 'urgers', who help to keep them mounted.

And the weirdest (for me)

Elephant Polo

The sport of elephant polo has been around since the British first went to India and adapted their horseback game to use elephants. The rules are very similar to horse polo, except the pitch is shorter and the riders have a trainer on board as well (called a 'manout') to help control the elephant. Originally a soccer ball was used, but now that has been replaced by a standard polo ball.

Made by: Emiliano Ruiz :D

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