Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mental Disorders

In class, we saw some videos about mental disorders. The one that surprised me the most was DID (Dossociative Identity Dissorder) also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. “It is a mental disorder characterized by at least two different and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately controls a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness”. It would be really bad to have this kind of disorder, but there´s actually some people who have it. Some cases about it have been presented on TV, news, etc. and the people who usually develop it have had problems in the past, those kind of problems that affect psychologically a person for the rest of their life. For example, this woman called Tracey, who has 5 personalities, was raped three times! How could anyone have a normal life after that? Obviously that´s the reason why she is mentally affected. The problem is that she is not the only affected person,but everybody around her. Some people believe that this is kind of a fake disorder because it would be easy for anyone to pretend to have multiple personalities. I think that it is true that it can be easily acted but I also believe that there are real cases about it.
Some other very common disorders are OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and Bipolar Disorder.
“Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions“. The principal symptoms are repetitive actions, fear, worry. For example, they wash their hands very often, they are always checking if everything is just as they left it or looking around to know if there is something that can put them in danger,etc.People with this disorder have to receive an especial treatment, because comparing with other disorders, people can actually get through this one and after some years they can have a normal life or at least something close to it. “Obsessive–compulsive disorder affects children and teenagers as well as adults”.
Bipolar disorder, consists of mood changes constantly. It´s really difficult to diagnose bipolar disorder because it can be confused with unipolar depression. “What distinguishes bipolar disorder from unipolar depression is that the affected person experiences states of mania and depression” When they are depressed they feel guilt, anger, sadness, anxiety and most of the times hopelessness, besides, when they have a maniac episode they experience euphoria.
All of this disorders affect a person´s life a lot. I think that it is really hard for them not to have a normal life, and even harder to try to get through them. It should be terrible to have to worry always about something.
This kind of disorders affect people´s life in every single way. I think that this are strong people because they learn to live with it.


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